Saturday, October 15, 2011

Will you teach me how to dougie?

They be like Smoove (what?)
Can you teach me how to dougie?
You know why?
'Cause all da b-words love me (aye!)
All I need is a beat that's super bumpin'
And for you, you, you to back it up and dump it!
Put your arms out front, lean side to side............

"Hannah, will you teach me how to dougie?"

Yep, that's right, Chef Matt ask ME to teach him how to dougie in class this week. NBD? No, definitely a big deal. For those of you who know me, you know that I am incapable of resisting a dirty beat and one dirty beat in particular: Teach Me How To Dougie. So when I was asked to teach my Chef instructor how to dougie, I immediately thought Russ or Derek or someone from back home had notified him of my obsession. Nope. Just another awesome addition to my adventure.

Yeah, so, um, that's all that happened this week.

Bahahahaha. I joke, I joke.

Although I did some "teaching" this week, the purpose in my adventure is to learn, and that I AM doing:

  • For dessert bar this week we were given complete freedom over our desserts, the only stipulations were that, as a class, we needed to produce a variety of desserts and that our desserts had to reflect the season. After hours of research and googling desserts, (now actual homework and not just a means by which to procrastinate!) I learned, once again, that regardless of how much effort you put into something, things don't always go as planned. In order to be successful in the kitchen, you must be able to adjust to life's twists and turns. My mental masterpiece was too similar to my classmates, I wanted to be unique so I altered my dessert. A minor setback, NBD.
  • I learned that nothing is safe in La Brioche's main production kitchen, Chef Matt munched on my garnish. And continued to munch on my garnish throughout the week, I suppose a compliment of sorts, but I was forced to monitor him and my maple candied pecans the remainder of the week.
  • After four trips to the admissions office, I FINALLY got all of my uniforms!!!  
  • I gave my class a glimpse into my inability to contain excitement. Twice.  Overly excited for next week's dessert (which I got to choose the theme for) and overly excited to share my story about my umbrealla hat. They don't understand me......
  • I successfully executed a fall dessert with 7 complimentary/contrasting components. An apple spice cake with maple mousse, spice syrup, praline sauce, maple tuile, maple candied pecans, and sugar work garnish. 

  • I GOT A JOB!!!!! Nothing fancy, A Financial Aid Office Assistant on campus, but still some skrillz.
  • I passed my first exam: 100% BOOM

  • Learned about Creams and Custards in lecture, most importantly Creme Anglaise and Pastry Cream. I also learned how to make tuiles, marshmallows, pull sugar, and various chocolate garnishes. And I experienced first hand the damaging effects of blasted longer do I solely curse it for its detriments to my fur/locks/hair, my sugar work and tuiles were effected by this mayhem too.
  • As the great Fergie once said: "I be up in the gym just working on my fitness" happy to be back in the gym. I need it too, since my incredible landlords are trying to fatten me up with tasty meals and desserts. This week alone I came home to chicken noodle soup, roasted chicken, homegrown squash, and apple crisp. They're so great!
  • While at the gym, I was asked by a very elderly lady if my favorite color is purple. Staying true to my school, Go Go wild kitty cats!!!!! 
  • We took a class field trip to the Capital City's Farmer's Market, pretty neat stuff Maynard! Our homework? We have to compose a dessert from ingredients at the Farmer's market......

  • I sketched and started on my dessert for our final week, soooooo excited for alll time favorite!!!!!!!! Any guesses?! 
Hint: the theme I chose for next week's desserts is...............(that was a drumroll), Childhood Classics.


1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! Keep writing. You are so talented in many ways :)
